A lot of my charts were written to serve a specific purpose in a show (costume change, segue, etc), so some tracks start and/or end with a fade, or mayContinue readingI LOVE it, But…
Where are the drum charts?
I discovered early on that most drummers learn by ear (and many don’t even read music), so for years I rarely wrote out drum or percussion charts. As of 2021Continue readingWhere are the drum charts?
Can you build click tracks for live performances?
Yes. More and more groups are choosing to lock in their tempos and/or supplement their accompaniment with click tracks. Since the majority of recordings on this site were built inContinue readingCan you build click tracks for live performances?
How about horn reductions?
Some charts already have horn reductions, which are included free of charge if requested. If a chart doesn’t currently have a horn reduction, you’re welcome to create one for yourself,Continue readingHow about horn reductions?
Can we make cuts and/or revisions to a chart?
Definitely. You are welcome to make modifications to better suit your group or show, and don’t need to approve anything with me. If you’d like your music and tracks deliveredContinue readingCan we make cuts and/or revisions to a chart?
Can you revoice a chart for my specific group?
Absolutely. There is a $250 fee to revoice any chart in the catalog. Just add the REVOICE customization to your order, and specify which chart(s) you’d like revoiced and how.