Sound effects and/or samples are included in the cost of any charts which include them. They can also be delivered with a click track for use in the DAW ofContinue readingSome of your tracks have sound effects. How do we incorporate those into our show?
Are tracks included with each chart?
Full and Instrumental tracks are included with the purchase of almost all charts. Arrangements without tracks are priced accordingly, but can be upgraded for $300. Just add the NEW TRACKContinue readingAre tracks included with each chart?
Some of these tracks sound amazing, and some… not so much. What gives?
Good question. I’m a glutton for punishment, I guess. The truth is, I’ve been delivering tracks since the early 90’s, and they’ve just gotten better over time. Back in theContinue readingSome of these tracks sound amazing, and some… not so much. What gives?