Some of these tracks sound amazing, and some… not so much. What gives?

Good question. I’m a glutton for punishment, I guess. The truth is, I’ve been delivering tracks since the early 90’s, and they’ve just gotten better over time. Back in the day I played the vocal parts on an electric piano. Then, when I built a proper studio, I started tracking the vocals myself. On occasion I’ve even brought in a gal to record the female parts — those tracks are obviously the cream of the crop.

Also, for awhile I would lay down scratch tracks for a capella tunes just to check the singability. Directors have asked for them over the years, and while they sound ATROCIOUS, some folks have found them to be helpful. So they’re all here too. (If you squint your eyes and plug your ears they might sound a little better… Or not.)

Lastly, I completely lost my falsetto for a couple years, so there are a handful of tracks where the ladies’ parts were pitch-shifted. I’m not incredibly proud of my chipmunk voice, but it got the job done. Perhaps one day I’ll hire real studio vocalists to come in and re-track everything. In the meantime, make yourself at home and have a good laugh. On me!

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